Bible Studies - Miscellaneous

Christian or Pagan?

BAALIM (pre Christian era)


1. The nativity of the sun of the birth of Tammuz, December, 25.

1. The nativity of Jesus, Christmas. December, 25.
2. The midsummer festival held June 24th.

2. The nativity of St. John held June 24th.
3. The assumption of Semiramis who became the mother goddess.

3. The assumption of Mary who became the mother of God.
4. The mother goddess worshipped as the queen of heaven. Jer. 7:18.

4. The virgin Mary worshipped as the queen of heaven.
5. Cakes dedicated to the goddess with a “T” drawn on them. Jer. 44:17, 19.

5. Hot cross buns with a cross drawn on them.
6. 40 days of fasting for Tammuz. Eze 8:14.

6. 40 days of Lent.
7. The festival of Easter. Eze 8:14.

7. The festival of Easter.
8. The resurrection of Tammuz at Easter and the procession of graven images during holy week.

8. The procession of graven images of Jesus, Mary and Peter during holy week.
9. The belief in immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.

9. The belief in immortality of the soul and burning place of torment.
10. The doctrine of purgatory.

10. The doctrine of purgatory.
11. The belief of the dead visiting the living. Feast held for in November. (All Souls Day).

11. The festival of All Souls Day held November 2nd, All Saints Day held November 1st.
12. Burning of incense. Isa 1:13; Jer. 11:17; Eze 8:11.

12. The burning of incense and candles.
13. Chants and repetitious prayers. Matt. 6:6.

13. The Rosary, Hail Mary.
14. The symbol of the cross as symbol of sun worship.

14. The crucifix.
15. Amulets and idols to scare away evil spirits.

15. The wearing of crucifixes and images displayed for protection.
16. The round disk wafer IHS symbol of Isis, Horus, Seb, eaten as food for the soul.

16. The wafer used in the eucharist is round with IHS engraved on it.
17. Infant baptism, sprinkling holy water.

17. Infant baptism, sprinkling holy water.
18. Necromancy.

18. Mysticism.
19. The first day of the week Sunday, kept sacred to honour Baal.

19. The change of Sabbath from Saturday (7th day of the week) to Sunday (1st day of the week).
20. Pontifex Maximus name for Chief head of the pagan Babylonian system of idolatry.

20. Pontifex Maximus, one of the first names of the Pope.
21. Janus and Cybelle, holders of the keys to heaven and hell.

21. The Pope claims to have the keys of Peter.
22. The pagan high priest king believed to be the incarnate of the sun god.

22. The Pope pretends to be Christ’s Vicar here on earth.
23. Offerings to appease the gods.

23. Penance, indulgences, salvation by works.
24. Houses for the virgin priestess, to be employed at pagan temples.

24. Nuns.

The Roman Church proudly boasts that it has the God given Authority to institute holy days, to change God's Holy Commandments and to teach as doctrine the traditions of man.

"Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
Mark 7:7.

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