Poems and Short Stories

What can we do?

Life can be very hard and many are left to mourn,
Due to devastating fires, floods, hurricanes, ’n’ storms.
All of nature seems to be growing angrier by the day.
What can we do? What can we do?

People who lie, cheat, steal and kill, seem to abound,
Yet a kind, honest person can hardly be found.
The worst of human nature is coming out more.
What can we do? What can we do?

Pestilence and plagues are killing many crops,
Some people find it hard to fill their cooking pots.
While others have more food than common sense.
What can we do? What can we do?

So many adults are sick with diseases most horrible.
And babies are born with ailments almost unbelievable.
They struggle to live a simple life that we call normal.
What can we do? What can we do?

We should praise the Lord for everything He sends,
Knowing it is meant to test and try, and us amend.
Fitting us for a glorious heavenly abode to attend.
That’s what we can do! That’s what we can do!

When trials and struggles come showing their ugly head,
Praise God for His goodness and His victory ahead.
Then prepare what is needed to win the battle.
That’s what we can do! That’s what we can do!

When we get sick and life becomes difficult to live,
Remember to others the blessed hope we must still give.
As we do this our own burden will be lightened.
That’s what we can do! That’s what we can do!

Love God first, and our neighbours as ourselves too.
To like-minded brethren stick together like glue.
For together we gather strength to continue the fight.
That’s what we can do! That’s what we can do!

© S. D. Goeldner.

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© S. D. Goeldner, February, 2013. Last updated July, 2020.

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