Vineyard Labourer

Free Zip Program - Zip and Unzip Utility for Windows

Free zip program - zip and unzip utility for windows by Ken Ward. This free program can be downloaded and freely used and distributed. After many thousands of downloads, this program is generally considered the best free zip program. It is easy and intuitive to use. Explaining how to use Zipper is harder than actually using it.

Right-click here to download the free zip program



  • Free
  • Easy to use
  • Can zip and unzip files
  • Shows extraction paths so you know where the files are going
  • Shows file sizes
  • Very fast
  • Preview Files in Zip
  • High level of compression
  • Tries to fix incomplete or damaged zip files
  • Various ways to perform the same action

You can download the program by right-clicking here and choosing 'Save File As ...' or similar depending on your browser.

Installation Program file name: instzip.exe

Install directory: \kenzippr\

Extracted Size: 799,232

Zipped Size: 461K

  1. Bg2.jpg (Background image for HTML Help File)
  2. zipperHelp.htm (HTML Help File)
  3. zip100.exe (Ken Ward's Zipper)
  4. zipsfx32.bin (Program to make self extracting zips)


Before you can use Zipper, you need to get it on your computer's hard drive. Zipper is offered here as an install program. The install program is not yet Zipper. It is a program that puts Zipper where you want it on your hard drive (usually in "Prgram Files") and puts a link to Zipper on your "Start" menu. This program is called: "instzip.exe". When you download this program onto your hard drive, you can double-click it to start the installation process.

  1. Download the file to somewhere on your hard disc where you can find it again :-)
  2. Double click on the file to activate it. The install program will give you instructions.
  3. Extract the files to a directory of your choice. The files will be extracted to a subdirectory named kenzippr. So if you install in the C: drive in "Program Files", then the directory "C:\Program Files\kenzippr" will be created and the files installed in this directory.

The zip program is zip100.exe. That is, zip100.exe is Zipper. You can find Zipper by going to your "Start" menu and finding it on the "Programs" menu.

Have fun with this free zip program!


If Zipper believes it has been infected with a virus, it will give a message and exit. If you receive such a message, then you should first check your system for viruses. Only contact me if you believe that the message is given in error. Avoid contacting the internet when your system is infected with a virus, because it might distribute personal information, and send spoofed emails distributing the virus to others.

Feedback: contact Ken Ward at -

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© S. D. Goeldner, February, 2011. Last updated July, 2017.

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